Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Guidelines for Writers Contest

Senator Curren Price
3rd Annual Writers Contest 


                                           Genesis Writers Group & Reflections Publishing House

Call for Story and Poetry Submissions
Story and Poetry Guidelines
         Tell an exciting story about something that happened to you.
         It can include dialogue and the character should express his/hers feelings about the situation. 
         Story should result in a lesson learned or a positive change.
         300- 1200 words
         Non Fiction or Poetry
         Stories submitted typed on 12 point Times New Roman font
         Include author’s name and contact information
         Submissions are not returned
         No more than three submissions per person
         Winner will receive a stipend to spend as they wish or put funds toward a professional writers package for a publishing opportunity and your story published in a book industry standard anthology. Winner will also receive a personal consultation with Reflections' Publishing House. The winners will be announced at Reflections Writers Seminar on June 11, 2011

Senator Curren Price Writers Contest


On Saturday, June 11th 2011 California State Senator Curren Price and the Genesis Writers Group will announce the winners of the 3rd Annual Curren Price Writers Contest at Reflections Publishing’s
WRITE It…WRITE Now, 4th Annual Writers Seminar. Vignettes of life experiences 300-1000 words with a lesson learned is the goal of the contest. Stories should be 300-1000 words, and may be emailed to or mailed ATTN: Bailey, 1140 N. LaBrea, Inglewood, CA 90302. Deadline for story submissions is June 1, 2011. The winners will receive a special award and commendation from Senator Curren Price as well as a private writing consultation with Deborah Bellis of Reflections Publishing House. This event will be held at the LAX Radisson Hotel, 6225 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles. CA.  Tori Bailey, a member of Genesis Writers said,” I am committed to the importance of writing and I work diligently to promote literacy by encouraging writers to submit stories for the writers contest and attend this noteworthy event.”

New this year is the working writing sessions, guiding attendees as they develop the next step under the direction of writing and publishing experts.  Publicist and Editor Flo Selfman, provides an on the spot edit on participants writing.  Life Coach, Margaret Pazant’s powerful techniques address the self-imposed barriers that stop us from reaching our goals.  Essence best selling author, Sheila Copeland, share strategies to writing best selling novels and Literary Agent Maxine Thompson is looking for new authors to promote to the book industry.  Most of the day will be spent creating, crafting, and writing the many components necessary to become a successful writer and published author. 

Reflections Publishing, Inc was a small press-publishing house, founded in 2005 by Deborah Bellis and Ray Driver. As contributing authors to Chicken Soup for the African American Soul, eventually led to the formation of their company. Recently the company was changed to Reflections Publishing House where Deborah Bellis, book producer continues to offer a full range of services for the writer who is looking for affordable, quality publishing and writers assistance services. For more information, visit and to register for this all day event please call 310/695-9800 as space is limited, or email