On my blog a few days ago..Interesting Facts For the Book Industry I researched and found valuable information in the journey of writing. I invite you to read it.
I recently talked to a marketing exec, who has written and published a few books. I made a startling discovery, and that is that all authors that have backgrounds in sales are the most successful in their book venture. Why? Because they know how to sell. So as a creative person, all I want to is write and teach the creative writing process. I don't like sales. I fell like it's hard, full of possible rejections and can't somebody else do all the messy labor intensive work? Well..yes they can, but I must sell myself before I can reach the stage to afford someone else to do what I don't like to do. So, now I grudgingly accept the fact that to be successful in my field as a writer, ghostwriter and publisher I have to also sell my products and services. I am happy to say that I am working on bringing on a marketing expert into Reflections family. More information is coming about this. There are always so many reasonable obstacles to writing and all of them sound just great, I heard on the radio yesterday about getting out of your own way. So right now forget about the marketing, and let me get the point of this post.
How to give your writing the raise it deserves.
Write.. write every day, period. There are so many things that you can write to combat writer's block. For example, if you find yourself stuck about the next thing to write, then write something else. While ghostwriting a book, I often hit a wall, I won't call it writers block, I was ready to stop and sometimes I did, telling myself...this is too hard, I didn't know it was going to be all this work. Yep, I was absolutely right, it is hard, it is work, but I can't tell you how good I feel when I have a good writing session. I feel like I'm accomplishing something, I feel positive, creative and happy, and I want more of that feeling so I press on, writing in the midnight hour. Oh you have to know the time of day when your creativity peaks, mine is nighttime after the phone stops ringing, etc. I think its something about being tired, that all the inhibitions fall away and it's just me and the writing.
I am sorry to say that the voice that tells me that I have a million things to do that are more important than writing NEVER GOES AWAY! Just like in the movie The Beautiful Mind, he learned how to live with the people, he just ignored them...that's pretty much the same thing a writer has to do, Ignore the voices. Remember there are forces that we all have to deal with, like work, food, family, bills and the list goes on. However those elements are part of life that NEVER GO AWAY. So now what??? I guess I'm saying I have begun to see how important it is to give my writing the raise it deserves without giving in to my fears.
So that's why it's so important to be around a community of writers. Writing is such a private and personal experience, that nobody will know when I'm procrastinating, playing or having problems writing. Another writer would know, someone who tells me that they too spend hours playing Bejeweled,
Someone to vent with, someone to bounce strategies and thoughts too, you are right, I can do all that with family members, they often have really good feedback and ideas that I have incorporated into my writing, Family and friends have answered questions, helped me through writer's block, the whole nine yards. I just feel different when I'm around writers and authors. Kindred souls, birthing the stories that are within us all. We need each other.
I love the nurturing power of the words, the creative process, no different than building a house, designing a dress, creating is creating. I love to read the words and feel them. I love to feel the peace that I get from writing.
Now, I'm about to go deep, this conversation is for those of us who know we have a god given gift of writing. So let's talk about that!!! God blessed me with the ability to write words that inspire, teach, discover and help. So what am I doing with this god given gift? I write, I write as though my life depends on it. I write and move on in the publishing field because I believe God knows the breakthroughs that we achieve from writing. Recently I got in touch with the understanding that writing is all about kingdom building. So many of us are suffering from a inability to break through in our writing, and to trust someone in a field that is full of sharks and predators of all kinds. Oh but for the grace of god, he directs us to the right source, and the door opens and everything is as it is supposed to be. So now i understand that writing is not for me it's for the world, it's for the kingdom, because God works through people.
Please join me as a follower, let's get the ball rolling and send your comments, suggestions and let me know how you are breaking through
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